" next time, dear god, please choose someone else. "




Marco is a 19 year old broke college student. After entering middle school, his parents became extremely overbearing and abusive. This was devastating for Marco as he used to be incredibly close with his parents. Suddenly, though, he was no longer a kid to them. No longer "their baby". He promised himself he would move out as soon as he could. He did as he promised, and ended up being disowned. With no support from his family, he was on his own. He struggles to keep up with his classes and lives paycheck to paycheck. Marco is an awkward and antisocial that can come across as rude. These flaws would, without his knowledge, end up in him being tormented by a Specter until he dies. When Marco began to be haunted by Dell, he was convinced he had finally lost it. Over time, with all his problems and this added on top of it, he began to give up. He was considering ending this once and for all when, suddenly- Dell began to act completely differently. He was much nicer to Marco, and only ever went as far as playing pranks. Marco found out they were tied together until his death and eventually got used to Dell's antics. Though begrudgingly on Marco's part, they are best friends now.


your average broke college student. nothing more.

go back?

" you caused this. you will never be forgiven. you made your choice. do you regret it yet? "


nothing more.

Your Body, My Temple (Song)

Will Wood



Dell is a relatively young Specter. Specters are not supposed to have the ability of feeling empathy. That's how Cain creates them. Specters are born with one purpose and one purpose only: to find a human on earth and torment them to their death. Once the victim is chosen, the Specter is bound to the human until the human's death. Dell decides that his first victim would be a guy whose only crimes were being an awkward and broke college student, Marco Evans. After months of torturing Marco ( destroying his apartment, possessing him and causing bodily harm, mimicking his parents' voices and saying horrible things. . ), Marco is close to ending it all. It was only then that Dell began to . . feel bad for Marco? As far as Dell knew, this should be impossible. He tried to continue his antics before it all became too much and he gave into his newfound humanity. Since then, they've become best friends and Dell spends his days just messing with Marco. Dell knows this is abnormal for a Specter, but he ignores it for his own comfort. Something that would prove fatal.

a fearless Specter turned goofy best friend.

You know how sorry I am, right?

go back?

go back?

go back?

go back?

go back?

go back?